View Current
Time of Use Rate
12.2 ¢/KWh Mid-Peak
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Residential Bill Calculator

Calculations are based on current electricity commodity prices. The bill calculator is an estimate for informational purposes only. The calculator is not designed to estimate bills for consumers on equal billing/budget billing plans. Note: The calculator does not include extra charges such as late charges, water, etc.

Enter Your Monthly Usage

Total Bill

InnPower Portion

Your Savings

Total Ontario Support on this bill

Distribution Rate Protection

(DRP) Savings

Your Estimated Statement

Your Electricity Charges






Regulatory Charges:

Total Electricity Charges:


Ontario Electricity Rebate:

Total Amount:


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We are currently experiencing issues with our My Account portal, which will show as 'under maintenance' until the problem is solved. We are working closely with our IT team and Survalent to fix this issue as soon as possible!

We thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time.