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Innisfil Hydro Distribution Systems Limited

Management Discussion and Analysis for Year 2013

Service Quality

NEW RESIDENTIAL/SMALL BUSINESS SERVICES CONNECTED TON TIME: Innisfil Hydro achieved 89.90% which is 0.10% below the industry standard to connect residential/small commercial customers on time. This slight slippage is attributable to a 16% annual increase in connections in 2013 over 2012.

SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS MET ON TIME: Changes in regulatory reporting requirements in 2012 for cable locates contributed to Innisfil Hydro's achieved appointment met metric of 83% which is below the industry standard. As a result, Innisfil Hydro initiated a process review for appointments met (including cable locates) and has implemented the appropriate process changes in the first quarter of 2014 to increase this metric.

TELEPHONE CALLS ANSWERED ON TIME: Innisfil Hydro has met and exceeded the industry recommended standard for telephone calls answered on time. Although the volume of calls for 2013 remained consistent over 2012, the average call length has increased by 28.

Customer Satisfaction

FIRST CONTACT RESOLUTION: New measurement effective for the 2014 reporting year.

BILLING ACCURACY: New measurement effective in October 2014.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY RESULTS: New measurement effective October 2014.


PUBLIC SAFETY: New measurement effective for the 2014 reporting year.

System Reliability

AVERAGE NUMBER OF HOURS THAT POWER TO A CUSTOMER IS INTERRUPTED (SAIDI): Innisfil Hydro experienced an increase in SAIDI's outside of the 3 year band in 2013. The increase is directly attributable to unpredictable weather which occurred in April and July of 2013.

AVERAGE NUMBER OF TIMES THAT POWER TO A CUSTOMER IS INTERRUPTED (SAIFI): The SAIFI measurement remained well within the 3 year historical timeframe.

Asset Management

DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS: Innisfil Hydro is currently in the process of developing a comprehensive Distribution System Plan; completion is scheduled for the 2017 Cost of Service Rate Application filing.

Cost Control

EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT: Innisfil Hydro continues to effectively control cost as measured to the annual, 5 year plan, and rate application with anticipated growth and investment. This is supported by the efficiency assessment.

Conservation & Demand Management

NET ANNUAL PEAK DEMAND SAVINGS (PERCENT OF TARGET ACHIEVED): Innisfil Hydro has achieved 27.50% in year three of the assigned 2.5 MWh demand target for the 2011-2014 timeframe. The implementation of the peaksaver plus program in 2014 will contribute to the overall demand savings which will be attained in 2014.

NET CUMULATIVE ENERGY SAVINGS (PERCENT OF TARGET ACHIEVED): Innisfil Hydro has achieved 74.50% in year three of its 9.2 GWh energy target for the 2011-2014 timeframe.

Connection of Renewable Generation

RENEWABLE GENERATION CONNECTION IMPACT ASSESSMENTS COMPLETED ON TIME: Innisfil Hydro had no renewable Generation Connection Impact Assessments in 2013. NEW MICRO-EMBEDDED GENERATION FACILITIES CONNECTED ON TIME: Innisfil Hydro achieved a 100% connection rate for microFIT facilities in 2013.

Financial Ratios

FINANCIAL RATIOS: Innisfil Hydro manages asset and debt levels to service customer demand and anticipated growth within the rate application and internal plans.


Emergency Planned Outage - 821 Innisfil Beach Road

There will be an emergency planned outage at 821 Innisfil Beach Road today, August 30th, from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.                                
Click here for more information