Ontario Electricity Rebate
The Ontario Electricity Rebate (“OER”) is a provincially funded rebate that provides eligible customers with a 17% reduction on the amount of their bill before HST (O. Reg 363/16).
The following customers are automatically eligible for the OER and do not need to complete the self-declaration form:
- Residential and Small Commercial customers (billed under a Residential or General Service Energy rate class) using less than 50 kW.
- Commercial accounts that are greater than 50 kW but use less than 250,000 kWh annually.
If you have a large volume farm business, licensed long-term care home or a multi-unit complex which has a demand for electricity greater than 50kW and uses more than 250,000 kWh and you’re already receiving the OER you do NOT need to re-apply.*
How to determine if you’re currently receiving the OER:
If you're currently receiving the OER, you'll see a line item under ‘Other Charges’ on your monthly bill, like the one below:

Changes to OER Eligibility Requirements – Effective July 1, 2022
Effective July 1, 2022 (O. Reg. 216/22), the Ontario government is expanding OER eligibility for some residential and other low volume consumers. If your account is not already automatically eligible as outlined above, please review the following expanded eligibility requirements.
1. A “common element” of an eligible multi-unit complex
Accounts that are at least partly in relation to any common elements of a multi-unit complex and that exceed the demand and use thresholds will qualify, as long as the complex is predominantly residential (specifically, the complex must contain at least two “qualifying units”, and at least 50% of the units in the complex must be qualifying units).
2. Retirement residences
The amendments add retirement residences to the list of eligible accounts. These are multi-unit complexes (other than long-term care homes, which were already eligible) where at least 50% of the units are occupied or intended to be occupied as a permanent residence by people aged 65 or older (who are not related to the operator of the complex), and where at least six people aged 65 or older live.
3. Mobile home parks
Mobile home parks, as defined in the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, are also added to the list of eligible accounts. Trailer parks (such as facilities for seasonal use rather than permanent residence) continue to be excluded.
The following customers are eligible for the OER but need to complete the self-declaration form in order to receive the rebate:
Commercial customers (billed under a General Service Demand or Sub-transmission rate class) who:
- have a demand for electricity greater than 50kW,
- use more than 250,000 kWh a year, and
- fall under one of the following eligibility criteria:
- Farming Business
- Long-term care home, other than an account that is also in respect of a hospital
- Multi-unit complexes that are predominantly residential, such as condominium and apartment buildings
- Common elements in multi-unit complexes that are predominantly residential (as of July 1, 2022)
- Retirement residence (as of July 1, 2022)
- Mobile home park (as of July 1, 2022).
For a definition of the above terms please refer to the OER Self-Declaration form.
Submitting the Self-Declaration/Eligibility Form
In order to receive the OER, customers who qualify under the expanded eligibility requirements will need to submit a one-time notice to attest to their eligibility. Please complete the OER Eligibility Form and return to InnPower’s Customer Service.
Completed forms can be submitted via:
- Email: cs@innpower.ca
- Fax: 705-431-6872
- Mail: 7251 Yonge St, Innisfil, ON, L9S 0J3
Customers are encouraged to submit your completed form as soon as possible so that you do not miss out on the OER for any period of time.
Ontario Electricity Rebate Eligibility Form
Legacy Exemption
Effective October 31, 2022, the legacy exemption will end. Some accounts that are not eligible but were receiving the former 8% Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumer’s (OREC) that was in place before the OER was introduced on November 1, 2019 currently receive the OER under a legacy exemption.
You should complete the OER Self-Declaration form only if your account relates to:
- A multi-unit complex;
- Any common elements of a multi-unit complex;
- A retirement residence; and
- A mobile home park
If you are currently receiving the rebate under the legacy exemption and remain eligible under the new eligibility provisions, please submit a new OER Eligibility Form to InnPower before the end of the legacy exemption which expires on October 31, 2022 in order to continue to receiving the rebate as of November 1, 2022.