Construction Development Projects
Distribution Reliability Projects
Ongoing projects are budgeted year over year to address the need to remove and replace rotten and damaged infrastructure, as well as substandard or defective devices that may pose a danger to ensure the continued safety of the public and our workers.
These projects include:
- Substandard Infrastructure Improvements: Updates legacy and substandard construction within the distribution system.
- Pole Replacement Program: Replaces aged and failing poles that have been tested or deemed in need of replacement.
- Infrastructure Replacements and Betterments Program: Assists with the replacement of aged or defective devices.
- Underground Padmounted Transformer and Switchgear Replacements and Painting Program: Helps repair and renew gears and transformers adversely affected by weather conditions and salt contamination.
- Line Recloser Refurbishments: Capital has been budgeted over the next few years to rebuild and renew these sectionalizing devices ensuring correct operation every time.
InnPower Development
The following link provides a map of the major development projects planned within InnPower's service territory.
Current Projects
A list of current projects can be found below.

To meet growing demand in the Town of Innisfil and the City of Barrie, InnPower has identified that a new Municipal Transformer Station (MTS) is required.
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InnPower's Pole Replacements within Innisfil and South Barrie.
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As part of its transportation engineering plan, the County of Simcoe is widening Innisfil Beach Road (IBR)
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Starting in 2018 InnPower will be designing and constructing infrastructure to support load growth in the Hewitt and Salem Lands.
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