About Us
As one of the fastest growing electrical utilities in Ontario, InnPower maintains a service territory of 292 square kilometers (the same size as Mississauga). This includes over 10,000 poles, close to 1,000 kilometers of power lines and 10 distribution stations each with an incoming voltage of 44,000 volts. Our knowledgeable, hardworking front line staff continue to safely construct and maintain our power system, weathering any storm, to keep the lights on. A staff of 54 administer the day-to-day operations of the electrical distribution system.
We look after the distribution, "wires", business in the Town of Innisfil & South Barrie, which distributes electricity to the homes, businesses and industries. Our customers' electricity meters are read monthly. Under the former commission electricity rates were reduced six times following the service area expansion.
Our Mission is to :
- Safely provide reliable, cost-efficient, and innovative electricity services that are valued by our communities; through excellent customer service and an inclusive & supportive culture.
Our Vision is to :
- Be one of Canada’s Most Innovative Power Utilities; committed to energizing our powerful communities.
Our Values & Guiding Principles are :
- Safety
- Innovation & Efficiency
- Support & Respect
- Quality & Reliability
- Fiscal Prudence
- Community Leadership & Presence
InnPower, legally named InnPower Corporation, is derived from the hydro system that served the Village of Cookstown since 1917. The Village of Cookstown amalgamated with the Township of Innisfil in 1991, and later that year Council passed a by-law which expanded the hydro service area of the Commission, named The Hydro-Electric Commission of the Corporation of the Town of Innisfil, to the new municipal boundaries of the Town of Innisfil. On July 1, 1993 when the expansion became effective, the Commission increased its number of customers from approximately 560 to over 11,200. Effective November 1st, 2000, Innisfil Hydro became a corporation, with a Board of Directors responsible to the shareholder, the Town of Innisfil.
View InnPower's Service Territory
Board of Directors
My Account Portal Currently Experiencing Issues
We are currently experiencing issues with our My Account portal, which will show as 'under maintenance' until the problem is solved. We are working closely with our IT team and Survalent to fix this issue as soon as possible! We thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time.